United Financial Counselors
A 501(c)3 Not-For-Profit Organization
Toll Free: 877-509-3160 Local: 786-288-5320
By clicking the email you have automatically signed up to receive the United Financial Counselors outreach package! All clicks are tracked. If we have your address on file, your package will be sent by Wednesday May 22nd. If your address is not on file, we will request it within 48 hours!
We hope that you will utilize the contents to help others in need of assistance.
We recommend you provide the contents of the package to members of your place of worship, social groups, facebook friends, your next door neighbor, and others that you run into everyday!
Thank you again for the opportunity to help you and your family!
The United Financial Counselors Team!
Thank you Jason, for working tirelessly to give support and comfort to those who never give up on their dreams. If you have life, you have a way to succeed...once again!